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Each scientific paper is being evaluated by at least two reviewers, who are not aware of the author’s identity, nor is the author aware of the identity of the reviewer. According to such procedure, we obtain an objective evaluation of the paper, and assert the quality. Papers which get a positive evaluation review shall be published, and papers which get a negative evaluation review can be either returned to the author for corrections or rejected as a whole. Reviewers must be led by their scientific and professional knowledge, as well as by ethical rules.
System of peer reviews has its roots from the system of ‘peer review’ introduced by Henry Oldenburg, founding editor of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1965 in London. He was the first editor of that journal. Oldenburg guaranteed that scientific papers shall be published fast, that they shall serve as an acknowledgment to scientists for their original work, that quality and publishing standards shall be provided by sending papers to experts in the relevant area to comment on them and to recommend their publication. Today this procedure is used in the whole world, so that the paper which has been peer reviewed is more appreciated in the scientific community then the paper which has not[1]. The procedure is simple. Scientific colleagues of the author from the same filed evaluate the content of every manuscript and recommend to editor the publication, corrections or rejection of publication of the paper. The aim of this procedure is that only papers which make scientific value are published, and that they are valid both by substance and by form. [2]