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Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors


Main Page

Title of the Paper

In the middle of the page, in capital letters, Times New Roman bold, 14pt, maximum two lines.

Author’s name and title

Under the title, the author’s name and surname, font size 12pt. Mandatory footnote containing data on scientific title and institution where he works as well as his e-mail address


In English, it contains from 100 to 250 words.


Indicate up to five keywords under the abstract. Abstract and keywords -Times New Roman italic 11pt.

The text of the paper

Writing instruction

  • The paper should be written in MS Office Word
  • A4 format page with single spacing
  • Margins 2.5 cm
  • Font Times New Roman, font size 12pt
  • Double-aligned paragraphs are separated by one line of space
  • Respect the standards of the language in which the work is written with all grammatical and spelling rules
  • Title of the work in Times New Roman, capital letters, size 14pt, bold, centered
  • Names of authors below the title, font size 12pt, with a footnote in which the title of the author, the institution where he works and his email address are written
  • Divide the work into clearly defined headings and subheadings
  • Titles should be written in capital letters, font 12pt, bold
  • Subtitles should be written in small letters, font 12pt, bold
  • Headings and subtitles should not be numbered
  • Tab 1 cm, only at the beginning of the text below the title and subtitle
  • Graphs, figures, and tables must be numbered below the graphs, figures, and tables, with cited sources,
  • are written in small letters, Times New Roman, 10pt, italic.
  • Footnotes are used only to explain the basic text or graphics and tables, they are written in Times New Roman, 10pt
  • For citations, references, and a list of literature, mandatory use of APA standards. Activate the option offered in Word: References – Style – APA. Papers that do not have this option activated during the review will be returned to the author.
  • For citations, references, and a list of literature, mandatory use of APA standards. Activate the option offered in Word: References – Style – APA. Papers that do not have this option activated during the review will be returned to the author.

It is recommended to refer to sources from works published in some of the previous issues of Aktuelnosti  (

Citation, references, and citation of literature


  • The list of literature is written at the end of the paper and includes only the works to which the author refers in the text of the paper
  • It is classified according to the alphabetical order of the last name of the author of the mentioned works, without classification by type of source
  • At the end of the paper, the author lists the literature and all the references used with the authors’ last names extracted in alphabetical order, in Times New Roman, 11pt, for example:

Colgan, F., Ledwith S. (2002). Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions: International Perspectives, London:Routledge,

Harcourt, M., Wood, G. (2006). Trade Unions And Democracy: Strategies And Perspectives, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, New Brunsvick

Jacobi, O., Jessop, B., Kastendiek, H., Regini, M. (1986). Economic Crisis, Trade Unions and the State, Biddles Ltd, Guldford and King’s Lynn,

  • Web references. Avoid using online sources if possible. If use is necessary, then the source on the website should contain: the name of the website, as well as the date and time of access to the page, e.g. The page, which was accessed on September 14, 2020, at 12:45 p.m., Be sure to take into account the credibility and constant availability of Internet addresses.
  • The literature used in the text of the paper, according to APA standards, is referred to by placing in brackets, the last name of the author and the year of publication, for example: (Colgan, Ledwith, 2002). If the complete quote is used, the page number is added, for example: (Colgan, Ledwith, 2002:124)
Journal of Social Issues 2013 Banja Luka College - IT sector